UPA’18: 3rd International Workshop on Ubiquitous Personal Assistance
Meurisch, Christian and Mühlhäuser, Max and Scholl, Philipp M. and Naeem, Usman and Pejović, Veljko and Müller, Florian and Di Lascio, Elena and Kuo, Pei-Yi Patricia and Kauschke, Sebastian and Azam, Muhammad Awais
Abstract: Advancements in ubiquitous technologies and artificial intelligence have paved the way for the recent rise of digital personal assistants in everyday life. The Third International Workshop on Ubiquitous Personal Assistance (UPA’18) aims to build on the success of our both previous workshops (namely SmartGuidance), organized in conjunction with UbiComp’16/17, to continue discussing the latest research outcomes of digital personal assistants. We invite the submission of papers within this emerging, interdisciplinary research field of ubiquitous personal assistance that focuses on understanding, design, and development of such digital helpers. We also welcome contributions that investigate human behaviors, underlying recognition, and prediction models; conduct field studies; as well as propose novel HCI techniques to provide personal assistance. All workshop contributions will be published in the supplemental proceedings of the UbiComp’18 conference and included in the ACM Digital Library.