Assessing the Accuracy of Point & Teleport Locomotion with Orientation Indication for Virtual Reality Using Curved Trajectories

Funk, Markus and Müller, Florian and Fendrich, Marco and Shene, Megan and Kolvenbach, Moritz and Dobbertin, Niclas and Günther, Sebastian and Mühlhäuser, Max

Abstract: Room-scale Virtual Reality (VR) systems have arrived in users’ homes where tracked environments are set up in limited physical spaces. As most Virtual Environments (VEs) are larger than the tracked physical space, locomotion techniques are used to navigate in VEs. Currently, in recent VR games, point & teleport is the most popular locomotion technique. However, it only allows users to select the position of the teleportation and not the orientation that the user is facing after the teleport. This results in users having to manually correct their orientation after teleporting and possibly getting entangled by the cable of the headset. In this paper, we introduce and evaluate three different point & teleport techniques that enable users to specify the target orientation while teleporting. The results show that, although the three teleportation techniques with orientation indication increase the average teleportation time, they lead to a decreased need for correcting the orientation after teleportation.


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